Lisa Mumbach has served the St. Thomas community as Administrative Assistant to the Principal and Assistant Principal, for nearly 21 years. Throughout her time at STH, she has supported five different principals and all members of the faculty through her work, always keeping goodness, discipline, and knowledge as her motivation.

“I love the environment of the school,” she said. “I like what I do—I love my job.”

Originally hailing from Louisiana, Mumbach decided to move to Houston after spending time in Texas visiting her sister, who already lived in the H. Upon her arrival to the city, she began attending Holy Ghost Catholic Church and joined the folk choir that performs each Saturday at Mass, complete with vocalists, two guitars, and an electric bass guitar.

Mumbach found her position at St. Thomas through the musical group. Dean of Instruction and Social Studies teacher Chrissy Gensheimer sings in the same choir and tipped Mumbach off to the job opening. After a week of interviews, Mumbach got the position.

“I applied one day, was called in for an interview the next day, was called in for a second interview the next day, and was hired the day after that,” she said. “It was so fast. It was just meant to be.”

Beyond her singing at Holy Ghost, Mumbach practices her faith daily and keeps her Catholic beliefs central to everything she does, both in her personal life and professionally.

“The faith element of St. Thomas is important to me, most definitely. It’s one of the main things that’s kept me here all these years,” she said. “When I go up to the chapel, I’m so grateful that I can do that. Sit there and be in the presence of the Lord. It’s a blessing that not everyone has or that everyone can take advantage of at work.”

In her twenty years of service to the school, Mumbach has seen many students grow into men of St. Thomas, and some who eventually return to their alma mater as educators themselves. Danny Hernandez (‘08), Director of Retreats, is one of these former students who Mumbach remembers fondly.

“Since my time as a student, Lisa has always been someone who greets everyone with warmth and a bright smile. Her jovial personality is contagious,” Hernandez said. “However, what has left the greatest impact on me is her deep faith and devotion. I often see Lisa in the Chapel, whether for personal prayer or attending Mass. She is a true witness to our faith.”

Outside of St. Thomas, Mumbach is a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a regular at her gym, where she weight trains each week. She also enjoys making gumbo to keep close to her Louisianan roots. Every day, whether at work or at home, she practices faithful gratitude.

“The culture of St. Thomas is very giving, that’s the best description. The Mothers’ Club is always so generous, and our administration really looks out for all of us and keeps the best interest of St. Thomas in mind,” she said. “St. Thomas is an amazing place that has truly blessed me over the years.”