“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite & humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, & kindles the true light of chastity. Enter again into yourself.”

— St. Augustine of Hippo

On March 5th, St. Thomas ushered in the season of Lent with the annual All-School Ash Wednesday Mass, held in Cemo Auditorium. From the Gathering Hymn of The Glory of these Forty Days, performed by the St. Thomas Choir, to Father Murphy’s homily, the service offered opportunity for each member of school to reflect together and prepare for a season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.


“We tend to focus on the ‘what are you giving up for Lent?’ but fasting really means taking control over the things in your life that, if you don’t pay attention, tend to control you,” Father Murphy shared. “It’s often things that aren’t necessarily bad for us, but we lose control. There are things that get in the way of our relationship with God.”

The Mass ended with the distribution of ashes. The receiving and wearing of ashes is a sign in both Jewish and Christian Scriptures of a person’s desire to make a new start, repent, serve their brothers and sisters, and leave past wrongdoings behind.


As the Lenten season continues, the Campus Ministry team at St. Thomas will offer several programs for all members of the school community to participate in. Over the forty-day period, these offerings will include: Masses during lunch and Community Time, Holy Thursday Confessions on campus, and a weekly email subscription with reflections on Mass and the Lenten season. St. Thomas students will also be encouraged to fast from distractions—such as social media and TV—and to instead spend that time in prayer or with their loved ones. For more information on St. Thomas’ Lenten offerings, please contact Director of Campus Ministry Andrew Quittenton (Andrew.Quittenton@sths.org)

Students are also encouraged to grow in their spiritual service by enacting random acts of kindness or volunteering in the Houston community. For more information on how to engage in service throughout the entire year and during the Lenten season, please contact Student Activities and Service Coordinator Veronica Looper (Veronica.Looper@sths.org).