1. English 9, English I, Advanced English I (1.0 credit)
  2. World Geography and Culture or Advanced World Geography (1.0 credit)
  3. Algebra 9, Algebra I, Advanced Algebra I, Advanced Geometry, or Advanced Algebra II (1.0 credit)
  4. Biology or Advanced Biology (1.0 credit)
  5. World Languages (1.0 credit)
    • Mandarin I or Mandarin II
    • French I or French II
    • Spanish I or Spanish II
    • Latin I or Latin II
  6. Theology I (1.0 credit)
  7. P.E. with Health (0.5 credit)
  8. Elective courses that fulfill a graduation requirement (0.5 credit)
    • Speech
    • Forensics/Debate
    • Drawing I
    • String Ensemble
    • Theatre I
    • Computer Applications
    • Music History
    • Beginning Band
    • Choir
  9. Study Hall