Fine arts are important for a holistic education in today’s educational environment. A strong fine arts program can bring many benefits, especially in an all-boys school. A comprehensive fine arts program can help students academically, support their emotional development, and create a strong community. When families understand the benefits of the arts, they can better evaluate schools that prioritize arts education.

“The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic…music, dance, painting, and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.”William Bennett, Former U.S. Secretary of Education.

Academic Benefits

Enhanced Academic Performance

Students participating in arts programs often perform better in the classroom and on standardized tests. The National Endowments for the Arts conducted a longitudinal study that showed that students involved in the arts are more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and have higher grade point averages than students who did not participate. Additionally, students who participated in the arts had higher aspirations to attend college, were more inclined to enroll at a more competitive college, and had higher rates of earning a bachelor’s degree.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

The arts help students think critically and solve problems. Whether studying a play in a theater class or analyzing a painting in an art course, these activities challenge students to think deeply and critically. This type of learning helps students approach problems from different angles, fostering innovative thinking that applies to other courses they are currently taking (Edutopia and National Endowment for the Arts).

Improved Memory and Learning

Participating in fine arts activities can improve memory and cognitive functions. For example, playing a musical instrument can enhance spatial-temporal skills, which are important for learning math and science. Additionally, research by James Tyler Rosier has shown that the repetitive practice involved in arts education can strengthen information retention and overall memory performance.

Socio-Emotional Benefits

Emotional Expression and Management

Art serves as a powerful medium for emotional expression, particularly for boys who may face societal expectations that hinder their emotional expression. Engaging in activities like painting, acting, or playing music provides boys alternative ways to manage and express their feelings, which is crucial for their mental well-being.

According to research, arts education fosters social-emotional learning by allowing students to release stress in a healthy way and giving them an alternative method to express themselves. This environment encourages emotional intelligence, helping boys develop a deeper understanding of their own emotions and those of others (Arts education and social-emotional learning outcomes among k–12 students).

Increased Empathy and Compassion

Experiencing different types of art can help students understand and appreciate diverse perspectives and cultures, leading to a stronger sense of empathy. For example, in theater, students take on different roles and learn about the character’s motivations, which can help them develop compassion and understanding for others. This empathetic perspective is important for creating inclusive and supportive communities (The Power of Art: How Art Helps Foster Kindness and The Great Kindness Challenge: Using the Arts to Create a Culture of Compassion).

Boosted Self-Esteem and Confidence

Success in artistic activities can give boys a sense of pride and achievement. This positive experience can build confidence and a strong self-image, which can carry over into other aspects of their lives. According to Dorothy Briggs, an author on children’s self-esteem, she believes that “…self-esteem is the mainspring that slates every child for success or failure as a human being.” Whether mastering a challenging piece of music or receiving applause for a performance, these experiences can boost a student’s confidence and self-esteem (How Art Education Improves a Child’s Confidence and Self-Esteem).

Social and Community Benefits

Strong Sense of Community and Brotherhood

Participating in group art projects or performances helps students build community together. This creates a strong bond and connection between students and their school community. The friendships formed through shared artistic experiences are special and lasting. Art even has the opportunity to connect people to the world, open new perspectives, and lay the foundation for social bonds and community cohesion, which can lead to greater social bonds and connections (Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who’s Doing It Best, The power of collaborative art projects in building community, and The Benefits of Collaborative Art Projects for Children).

Inclusivity and Diversity

Fine arts programs embrace diversity and inclusivity. They provide a platform for students from different backgrounds to express themselves and share their unique perspectives. This inclusiveness enriches the school culture, creating a welcoming environment for all students. Barriers are broken down by celebrating different cultures through art, and a more harmonious school community is built (Promoting Inclusion of All Cultures in Fine Arts Programs).


An all-boys school with a strong fine arts program provides important academic, social, and community benefits. Integrating arts education into the curriculum helps foster all-around development, preparing students for future success in their academic and personal lives. For parents and students considering schools, choosing one that values fine arts is an investment in a well-rounded, enriching education.

St. Thomas High School Fine Arts

St. Thomas High School, a leading private Catholic college preparatory school for young men in Houston, provides a compelling example of the benefits of a robust fine arts program. Our Fine Arts Department serves as a catalyst for students to express and realize their creative potential, contributing to the cultural enrichment of the campus and the wider community.

The St. Thomas High School Fine Arts Department provides diverse programs, including choir, jazz band, orchestra, band, beginner band, theater, theater tech, four theater productions, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, digital graphics, and more.

We invite you to learn more about our comprehensive fine arts program and the unique opportunities it offers. Contact us for more information or schedule a visit to experience how our program can benefit your son. Join us at St. Thomas High School, where we shape futures and help students discover their purpose through the power of the arts.