Senior Stories || Damian Wilson ’23 | Inspiring Academic Intellect and Endless Artistic Ambition

Damian Wilson ‘23 infused heart and soul into the St. Thomas campus community, not simply awe-inspiring intellect and endless ambition. His tightly-tuned talent, both academic and artistic, was fueled by deep-dive due diligence, forging a genuine identity through achievement, enlightening and rewarding. Wilson’s four-year pomp and circumstance roll call included entry into the National Honor [...]

By |2023-08-24T10:02:16-05:00July 11th, 2023|Academics, Alumni|0 Comments

Senior Stories || 2023 Salutatorian Thomas Pham | Signature, Stellar St. Thomas Career Spiked with Wide-Ranging and Roaring Achievements

Much before Thomas Pham ‘23 elevated to salutatorian status, he was presented with the unenviable (ultimate?) tough act to follow - casting his lot in the formidable shadow of his brother and 2021 valedictorian Patrick Pham. The initial burst of Pham-arama featured a unique blend of profound personality and performance. Patrick stoked a sheer, irresistible [...]

Senior Stories || 2023 Valedictorian Caleb Davis | Undeniable Intelligence. Undefinable Fury. Unbridled Compassion.

Arete. That’s a powerful word. To the Greeks, it meant excellence. It was the ultimate expression - cerebral, physical, moral, spiritual. The pursuit requires a certain philosophical approach. Because brilliance, inspiration, and skill are not sufficient enough. Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence is not an act but a habit. Valedictorian Caleb [...]

Fresh Heir || Johann Cardenas ’24 Private School Cover Feature ‘Dave Campbell’s Texas Football’

Unbridled euphoria has its new poster man-child. Johann Cardenas ‘24, among the state’s top 100 football recruits just eight months removed from tearing the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee, is vividly and proudly showcased in the 64th edition of Dave Campbell's Texas Football. His return to potential glory is the showcase feature for [...]

By |2023-08-24T10:06:55-05:00June 29th, 2023|Alumni, Athletics, Football, Campus News|0 Comments

Creative Climate || “Eagles’ Nest” Publication Earns Eighth National Salute Since 2018

St. Thomas is proud to again partner with designer KH Studio in accepting elite acclaim from the prestigious National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). St. Thomas was recognized for Honorable Mention for Excellence in Writing, Publications and Digital Media for the Eagles’ Nest Fall 2022 publication. Serving Up Success spotlighted chef Rafael Nasr [...]

By |2023-08-24T10:06:23-05:00June 20th, 2023|Campus News, Academics, Alumni|0 Comments

Forever Golden || Luke Malveaux ’23 Leaves Lasting Student-Athlete Legacy

That Luke Malveaux ‘23 was born in the sweltering confines of a wrestling room is an unsubstantiated urban legend. Yet, with each phenomenal performance throughout a scintillating senior season that capped perhaps the most imposing career in St. Thomas history, the theory that he learned snap-downs and double legs in the same days he stumbled [...]

By |2023-06-20T15:42:53-05:00June 20th, 2023|Campus News, Alumni, Athletics, Wrestling|0 Comments

A Bold Leap || Faculty Member Grover Green ’04 Accepts Headmaster Position with Milwaukee Diocesan School

A powerful St. Thomas presence for more than a decade was presented with an unexpected career opportunity to advance his pedagogy with clear Catholic purpose and integrity. Faculty member Dr. Grover Green ‘04 is assuming the founding headmaster position of a liberal arts school for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee debuting in August 2024. The Archdiocese [...]

Double Eagle || Leo Grover ’23 Latest Scholar to Earn Prestigious Eagle Scout Distinction

St. Thomas is proud to salute Leo Grover ‘23 for earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Grover continues the thriving legacy of Eagle scholars who have reached this milestone accomplishment that remains richly recognized throughout the United States. Grover gained distinction through Troop 20 [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:47:54-05:00June 6th, 2023|Academics, Alumni, Campus News|0 Comments

A Questionable Game || St. Thomas Quiz Bowl Excels at National Championship Tournament

St. Thomas Quiz Bowl completed an exceptional competitive season at the 2023 National Championship Tournament in Atlanta. Science faculty member Michael Erickson and team captain Campbell Brown ‘24 led the Eagles through a series of fiercely challenging battles of accumulated facts. Nicolas Borin ‘24, Aidan Clark ‘24, Manuel Cohen ‘24, Zacariah Hart ‘26, Hayden Hoover [...]

By |2023-08-24T10:06:18-05:00May 30th, 2023|Academics, Student Life, Campus News|1 Comment

Eagle Excellence In Action || Diego Sanchez ’23 Latest Scholar to Earn Prestigious Eagle Scout Distinction

St. Thomas is proud to salute Diego Sanchez ‘23 for earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Sanchez continues the thriving legacy of Eagle scholars who have reached this milestone accomplishment that remains richly recognized throughout the United States. Sanchez gained distinction through Troop 540 [...]

By |2023-08-24T10:05:41-05:00May 23rd, 2023|Alumni, Student Life, Campus News|0 Comments
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