Fr. Clark Sample ’01 || Continuing God’s Call as Pastor at St. Thomas More Catholic Church

If you don’t know where you’re from, you don’t know where you’re going. For the previous decade Fr. Clark Sample ‘01 has navigated a clear, convicted, if unconventional course. He is rooted from his past, restless for grand future designs, trusting God’s Providence to better propel Houston Roman Catholics on their holistic journeys. “I had [...]

By |2021-01-05T13:39:32-06:00March 17th, 2020|Campus News, Alumni|0 Comments

Superb Eagle Soccer Season Caps Sublime Four-Year ‘Tour de Force’ Run

The end zone scoreboard at Bryan High School dripped frigid mist in a miserable mid-February night, the equally familiar and unsavory result chilled the Eagle Soccer contingent to the bone in a way Mother Nature could never match. Crooked numbers were flanked by a clock ticking to triple zeroes aligning with the finality of a [...]

By |2020-03-13T11:46:56-05:00March 12th, 2020|Campus News, Athletics, Soccer, Student Life|1 Comment

Everett Vaughn ‘18 | Unheralded But Invaluable Role for Texas A&M Basketball

Everett Vaughn ‘18 toils in quasi-anonymity, even when reaching and extending up and over his measured six-foot and 10-inches, sweating and bleeding maroon and white for the revitalized fighting Texas Aggie hoopsters. His is not a glorious Disney produced Hollywood version of life inside the power elite dribble drives of big campus college athletics. Not [...]

By |2020-03-10T18:57:46-05:00March 10th, 2020|Alumni, Athletics, Basketball|0 Comments

Choral Director and Faculty Member Josh Wilson Shares in Houston Chamber Choir Grammy Award

Stevie Wonder and John Williams.  Tony Bennett and Beyoncé.  Henry Mancini and Yo-Yo Ma. U2 and Take 6. Bruce and Ray and Aretha. Grammy Award Winners all, richly recognized during the previous seven-plus decades for recordings that balanced innovation and timeliness in a way that made them widely resonant. And Josh Wilson, the St. Thomas choral director [...]

By |2020-03-05T16:00:35-06:00March 5th, 2020|Academics, Campus News|0 Comments

National Signing Day for Eagle Athletics | Seniors Taylor, Thomas, Umeh and Skucius Fixed on Future

A fab four of St. Thomas scholar athletes assembled and celebrated commitments to extend their late-charging careers to the university level. Kingpins who closed out fueling state championship contention for Eagle Football and Eagle Cross Country. Young and restless talents who are proving relentless, projecting promise that would dwarf their already acclaimed successes. Defensive end [...]

Round Up 2020 | Resonate Essence Greater Than Scholars Raising $525K for Tuition Assistance

Pause if the resounding Round Up refrain sounds more than familiar. Riveted scholars rack another outrageous total in raffle ticket sales - $525,370. Crashing the half-million-dollar mark for the fourth consecutive year. Raising a raucous seven-year sales spike to more than $3.6 million. Yes, $3.6 million. All proceeds benefiting St. Thomas tuition assistance. Eagles rallying [...]

By |2020-03-03T21:46:21-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Alumni, Student Life, Campus News|3 Comments

GALLERY | Round Up 2020 Celebrates St. Thomas Basilian Values

The St. Thomas Basilian Fathers and stakeholders extend their deepest appreciation to all in the extended Eagle community for again making our Round Up celebration a student fundraising event unmatched anywhere in the United States, generating more than $525 million for St. Thomas tuition assistance and more than $3.6 million since 2014. Eagles caring for [...]

By |2020-03-04T10:02:52-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Alumni, Student Life, Campus News|0 Comments

Ash Wednesday Mass | Lenten Focus on Prayer and Sacrifice

The St. Thomas campus community was blessed to share in the Holy Mass of Ash Wednesday with Fr. Mitch Dowalgo, CSB serving as principal celebrant with president Fr. James Murphy, CSB concelebrant. The assembled scholars, faculty, and staff were encouraged to renew their hope in Christ’s promises and their own commitment to follow Him ever [...]

By |2020-02-28T14:24:46-06:00February 26th, 2020|Student Life, Campus News|0 Comments

Eagle Scholars Champion Forensics, Quiz Bowl, Social Justice and Choir

Four St. Thomas scholars championed at the 46th Annual Harvard National Forensics Tournament, the largest and most prestigious high school speech and debate tournament in the country. Patrick Pham ‘21 placed 7th in Informative Speaking and reached the octa-finals with Gus Boettcher ‘21 in Duo Interpretation. Luke McLane ‘22 advanced to the double octa-finals in [...]

By |2020-02-26T10:16:11-06:00February 25th, 2020|Student Life, Campus News|0 Comments

20 in ’20 | The Most Impactful Identities of St. Thomas Academics and Development Since 2010 | Fourth and Final in Series

How do we remember our contributors? Some leave indelible impressions through tenure over years or even decades, thereby becoming part of an institution’s fabric through their dependable presence. Others shine brightly, creating unforgettable memories regardless of their longevity. Others still permeate our consciousness for their role as selfless facilitators, whether lifting colleagues or the community [...]

By |2020-03-06T11:10:30-06:00February 24th, 2020|Alumni, Faculty Profiles, Campus News, Academics|0 Comments
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