Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry Team serves as the foundation for pastoral support for the St. Thomas community: all students, their families, faculty, and administration.
In reverence and commitment to sacramental life, we offer compelling faith-formation programs, edifying retreats, and a commitment to service within the social justice context of the Church. As we strive to make Jesus Christ known to our students, they in turn discover the assurance of God’s Grace, transforming into intentional disciples that are leaven of the Gospel, and ultimately, servant-leaders partaking in the heavenly banquet.

Retreats are an essential part of the St. Thomas experience. Every freshman, sophomore, junior and senior is required to partake in a mandatory overnight retreat provided by STH during the school year. Click here to view a detailed breakdown of the retreat program.
Andrew Quittenton
Director of Campus Ministry
Joe O’Brien
Service Coordinator

Danny Hernandez ’08
Director of Retreats
Casey Johnson ’05
Director of Faith Formation
Our Service Metric
Each enrolled student is asked to perform six (6) different service experiences* per year of enrollment. Three (3) experiences should serve the local community, and three (3) are required to directly interact with those who are poor or vulnerable.
*experience (n): an event or series of connected events intended to accomplish a positive change or outcome for others.
Experiences can be categorized in two main ways:
- Intended to benefit the local community in general; and/or
- Intended to interact with/ support the poor/vulnerable.
Categories and Examples
Category 1
Answering the Call to our local Community, and building solidarity: This category focuses on the Catholic Social Teaching to serve the call to family, community, and participation.
A selection of examples:
- STH Volunteering
- Community/Environmental efforts
- Non-partisan election assistance
- Church, parish, or synagogue support
- Animal welfare efforts
- Food sorting and facilitating provisions
- Volunteering at local family-friendly festivals
- Supporting other school or church events, festivals, fundraisers, etc.
- Local neighborhood volunteering
Category 2
Answering the Call to the poor/vulnerable directly: This category will apply to service performed by directly interacting with those who lack basic needs, or are facing spiritual, emotional, or pervasive neurological challenges.
- A lack of any of the following:
- Shelter
- Food
- Basic medical support
- Clean water
- Transportation
A selection of examples:
- Those who are elderly and living away from family;
- Those with pervasive mental differences;
- Individuals with limited mobility or grave health circumstances;
- Children/youth in unstable circumstances;
- Those facing permanent physical or educational setbacks
Examples of Opportunities:
- Serving food to the needy;
- Visits with nursing home residents;
- Partnering with a Special Olympics athlete;
- Disaster relief for local community (physical presence and support);
- Leading a Bible Study or overseeing a ministry that serves those who are suffering from traumatic changes or situations.
Service Documentation
We use MobileServe™ as our chosen platform for documenting service; every student will enter his activities via this platform in order to receive credit.
Coordinating Service Activities
Students are responsible for identifying and coordinating their own service activities. Students may suggest opportunities to us, and we will support these as we determine feasible.
Our List of Approved Service Suggestions
Please click this link to see a list of approved and appropriate service opportunities. If an opportunity arises that differs significantly from those in this list, we ask for students to request approval with our team.
How will I know whether my service will count toward a specific school year?
The service year begins June 1, and ends May 1. Work performed in that timeframe will count toward that specific grade level for every Eagle. Incoming freshmen are welcome to complete service in the summer prior to their start, just as our returning students do.
What criteria are used to determine approval of a service endeavor?
To be eligible, service must benefit a non-profit organization with a mission to serve the call to community and solidarity, and/or the call to those who are poor or vulnerable. When uncertain, we use the Seven Catholic Social Justice Teachings to discern eligibility.
Will STH schedule and coordinate my service experiences?
With our growing student body, it’s essential for students to take ownership of coordinating their own service work. We also offer a list of common service opportunities, so that students have some reliable ways to earn service.
Questions are welcome; please email us.
Faith Formation will begin on August 15th. Click here for more information on Faith Formation.
Click below to view Fr. Murphy’s past virtual masses from Facebook Live.