For more than a half century, the St. Thomas Mothers’ Club has served as a vibrant and invaluable volunteer support group, assisting in more than 30 events throughout the academic year, including the annual Auction & Gala, our signature fundraiser Round-Up and culminating with the annual Style Show & Luncheon.
This organization has a rich history of collaborating with school administrators to facilitate many of the social and cultural activities that make St. Thomas special and impact the overall success of the school.
Eagle mothers are encouraged to attend the Mothers’ Club general meetings to learn about the many ways they can volunteer to support St. Thomas. For every mom there is a fun and useful role that matches her interests and talents. We can’t wait for you to join us!

The Mothers’ Club Board welcomes you to a new academic year and looks forward to all of the good things that will take place in this school community here at St. Thomas.
The Mothers’ Club is a service organization dedicated to supporting activities that enhance our sons’ high school experience while providing social and spiritual gatherings to foster families’ growth within the St. Thomas community.
No dues are charged for St. Thomas Mothers’ Club membership. All parents and guardians of St. Thomas boys are granted automatic membership. Please consider getting involved while your son is at St. Thomas. We would love your help! In fact, many of the events at St. Thomas cannot take place without volunteers. With your help, we will support over 20 events during the year, including the Welcome Tea, the annual Auction & Gala, Round Up, Style Show, Prom, and more.
We send a special welcome to the moms of the Class of 2028 and to the moms of transfer students. We hope that you will become involved in the activities supported by the Mothers’ Club and we are happy to assist you with any questions.
Please make plans to attend our monthly general meetings and get to know the St. Thomas administration and fellow STH parents. These meetings are informative and provide an opportunity to connect with other parents both new and experienced. Every meeting will include reports from the school administration and various departments, as well as an opportunity to hear updates about the many events that the Mothers’ Club sponsors. You’ll find all of the important dates on the Meetings and Event Calendar as well as the School Calendar. Mass will begin at 11:30 on General Meeting days and then our Meeting will begin at noon. Lunch will be provided. We will also offer a zoom option for those unable to attend in person.
My son Nick will be a Senior this year. He founded the St. Thomas Film Club. My son Alex graduated in 2022. He played Varsity Rugby. My sons span the breadth of experience available to STH students, yet both have made lifelong friendships that are part of the special bond of brotherhood enjoyed by both students and alumni.
I have also developed lifelong STH friendships. The STH Mothers’ Club has been instrumental for my knowledge of the school and a wonderful way to connect and make friends who are also passionate about their sons and this great school.
Eagle Fight Never Dies,
2024-2025 St. Thomas Mothers’ Club President
Volunteer Sign-Up
We are happy to see your interest in volunteering for our STH community. Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, we have different activities in which you can participate in. We need YOU! For a full list of event & dates, click here for all volunteer opportunities. Please continue to check back for more details.
Listi Sobba
Laura Ruppert
Cherie Schoppa
Food Court
Tiffany Davila
Food Court
Irma Rodriguez
Cristina Negron
Haley Finkelman
Jennifer Lenz
Danielle Williams
*Indicates Mothers’ Club Executive Board
STH Mothers’ Club Calendar 2024-2025
All General Meetings will be held in Fellowship Hall on the Joplin Campus.
Meetings available in person or via Zoom.
Mass occurs in the STH Chapel on the second floor directly above the Rotunda.
STH Mothers’ Club Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024
- March 21, 2024
- February 8, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- November 9, 2023
- October 12, 2023
- September 14, 2023
- September 8, 2022
- September 1, 2022
- August 4, 2022
- March 10, 2022
- February 10, 2022
- January 13, 2022
- November 11, 2021
- October 14, 2021
- September 9, 2021
- April 6, 2021
- March 9, 2021
- February 9, 2021
- January 12, 2021
- November 10, 2020
- October 13, 2020
- October 6, 2020
- September 8, 2020
- August 18, 2020
STH Mothers’ Club Newsletters
STH Mothers’ Club Standing Committees 2023-2024
Homecoming 101
October 4, 2024 – Football Game
October 5, 2024 – Homecoming Dance
- What is Homecoming (also called “HOCO” by the students)?
- Homecoming at St. Thomas is a traditional weekend celebrating our football team and the camaraderie intrinsic to being an STH Eagle. It will include a Varsity home game, complete with the homecoming Queen coronation at halftime. The weekend peaks on Saturday, with a school dance for all grades.
- How can I learn more about admission to the game and dance?
- Parents should always refer to our school calendar for an overview of events ahead.
- Football Games (including HOCO)
- All game tickets are sold through our website. The link is here.
- Note: Students automatically have free admission to athletic games with ID. Our sister school students also have this same privilege. (St. Agnes, Duchesne, and Incarnate Word Academy).
- Homecoming Football Game has a special option: Our students may have a date accompany them to the game at no extra charge. This is only for our Homecoming game.
- Dance:
- Dance tickets for Homecoming (and Jr./Sr. Prom) are sold through our online STH store on a limited basis. When they go live, students/parents will receive immediate notice and the link.
- Tickets are only sold up until the day before the dance at noon. No tickets are sold/offered at the doors.
- What safety precautions will the dance provide, and how do they impact our son?
- We utilize dance ‘lock-ins’ to keep students safely at our dance until the dance is almost over. This allows parents to have some reassurance of their child being at the dance as promised. A lock-in means that the dance doors no longer will accept new guests 30 minutes after the dance begins, and will not release guests until 30 minutes prior to the dance’s end time. (Example: A dance that begins at 8:30 and ends at 11 pm, would have a lock-in window from 9:00-10:30.) We also have several Houston Police Department officers on site, the night of the dance.
- May my son invite the guest of his choice from any school, or must his date be from a Catholic sister school?
- Students are welcome to invite a date from any school, or even from another city or town. All we ask is that she abide by our dress code, which is shared and highlighted by our Student Activities team when homecoming information is provided each year. All variations of STH dress codes are publicized in our yearly handbook, found at this page.
- May young men from other schools attend the game and Dance?
- Our games are open to all people, and we welcome visitors. Our dances are exclusive to our young men and their dates, as well as our invited sister schools. Please reach out to our Student Activities director for questions.
- Do STH students buy the traditional mums for their dates at Homecoming?
- It is common, but not required. Our school’s parent-based band guild takes great pride in creating beautiful mums and armbands to sell on a limited basis. More information can be found on the bottom of this page. For questions, please email
- What suggestions would be best for parents who want to help ensure the best homecoming possible for their son?
- These are some simple suggestions:
- Ask your son if he prefers to go with a date, or with his buddies from school (“stag”). Both options are common and popular.
- Consider what he’d like to wear; our homecoming dance is semi-formal, and sport coats are not required. If he brings a coat, he’ll be asked to check it in, so the best idea may be to wear dress pants, a tie and a dress-shirt, plus dress shoes and socks.
- Ask him if he’d like to buy his date, if applicable, a corsage or flower wristband. These are not required, but some students still practice this tradition.
- In terms of sustenance, our dance will have light snacks and refreshments, but we recommend that students eat beforehand to keep up their energy. Because our dance uses a ‘lock-in’ and will shut the doors 30 minutes after the start time, we urge you to ensure that dinner plans are completed in time for him and his friends/date to make it to the dance timely.
- Tickets are only available online before the dance, as mentioned in question 2.
- These are some simple suggestions:
- Would it make sense to have some form of group transportation, like a party bus or limo to transport my son and his pals?
- Unfortunately, this is not permitted for reasons that pertain to safety. We encourage students to drive with their friends and park at our garage, or be dropped off by their parents.
- Does my son need to bring anything, and does his date need to bring anything?
- The best accessory is your son’s school ID, which will make the entry process into the dance much faster. His date should focus on bringing as little as possible. Handbags and coats are required to be checked at our Coat Check. The Coat Check is overseen by parent volunteers. If an item is checked, it can be accessed as necessary throughout the night, but remains checked until its owner departs from the dance.
- What happens if my son or his date need to go home during the lock-in?
- Students would need to talk to any adult at the dance, and our Dean’s office representative would ensure safety measures are followed for true emergencies. If not an actual emergency, our lock-in is enforced fully.
If you’d like to support our students by serving as a chaperone or volunteer, please visit this page, which will offer volunteer opportunities and much more.
All About Mums & Armbands
Every year, the Music Guild create beautiful homecoming mums and armbands for Eagles and their dates. These creations are tangible memories that symbolize school spirit and friendship. Traditionally, mums and armbands are worn to the Homecoming football game. If you are interested in purchasing these for homecoming, here are some tips:
- Check our Eagle Store listings often to purchase early, before they sell out.
- If you need to plan for the cost or specific availability dates, please contact with questions.
- Click here if you’d like to see sample pricing and photos.
- Be sure to note the pick-up instructions when you purchase, so that nothing is left to chance when homecoming night arrives.
Auction 101
Q: What, when, and where is the St. Thomas Auction?
A: The STH Auction & Gala is a major fundraiser for St. Thomas High School, benefitting our current and future students.
The 2024 Auction is on Saturday, November 9, 6:00 p.m., at St. Thomas High School.
Q: What’s the format of the Auction?
A: We will feature a Silent Auction and Premium Packages at a Cocktail Party, starting at 6:00pm, followed by a Seated Dinner and Live Auction in Cemo Auditorium. Then…the party starts! Cemo will be transformed into a disco, featuring a DJ and dancing. To go with our theme, Le Casino will be open in The Hall of Honor, featuring Blackjack tables, Craps tables and a Roulette Wheel! It’s a party!
Q: How can I sponsor and/or buy a table or tickets?
A: A variety of Table and Sponsorship Levels will be available for purchase. To purchase a table and access sponsorship information click here.
Q: How can I help make the Auction a success?
A: If you have something to donate, access the donor form here, and contact an Auction Chair listed below with your auction item donation information and ideas.
Q: What’s the Jewelry Raffle?
A: Purchase your chance to win Gold Venetian Princess Earrings, designed by Roberto Coin. Only 100 raffle tickets ($100 each) will be sold. You do not have to be present to win.
Q: What’s the Golden Ticket?
A: Purchase your chance to take home the Live Auction item of your choice. You get first pick of all the Live Auction items. You must select the Live Auction item you want when you purchase your ticket.
Q: How can I support the Wine & Spirits Pull?
A: We have an exciting Wine Tasting Event benefitting the Wine & Spirits Pull.
Save the date: 10/8/2024
Watch the Mothers’ Club Newsletter for more info.
Q: How can I help the Auction Committee?
A: Sign up for volunteer opportunities. You can learn more about volunteer opportunities at on of the All Committee Volunteer Meetings, scheduled for 8:15am on:
August 27 (Fellowship Hall)
September 17 (Fellowship Hall)
October 17 (Shepherd’s Den).
Q: How is Auction information/updates communicated?
A: Keep an eye out for the Auction newsletter, communicated via Big Red News emailed on Wednesdays. Also, attend Auction All-Committee meetings, and Mothers’ Club meetings in August, September and October (dates announced via Big Red News).
Click here for the Auction and Gala webpage
2024 Auction & Gala Chairs
Listi Sobba (
Laura Ruppert (
Cherie Schoppa (
Vicky Dominguez (
Round Up 101
Q: What is St. Thomas High School Round Up?
A: Round Up is one of the “Big 3” fundraising events held annually by the St. Thomas community. One of the oldest traditions at St. Thomas, Round Up is a “Community-wide” event run by current parents and Alumni. Round Up began in 1927 as the “St. Thomas Bazaar” and became an annual tradition in 1945. Over the years, the season and name may have changed, but not the desire to bring together friends and the entire St. Thomas community to celebrate what makes us special. As a fundraiser, all proceeds go to the STH Scholarship Fund which in turn goes directly to the boys as STH provides financial assistance to approximately one third of our students!
Held every year on the first Sunday of March, this year’s Round Up is scheduled, for Sunday March 2, 2025 (12pm-6pm).
Q: What is a “Quota” and why is that all my son is talking about now?
A: The Raffle component of Round Up is how the largest portion of the scholarship money is raised, with each student responsible for selling at least a “quota” (15 books) of raffle tickets. Collectively, the students are challenged to reach a particular goal of total ticket sales to earn incentives such as t-shirts, school outings, and school holidays!
Q: How much do raffle tickets cost and what can be won?
A: Raffle tickets sell for $5 each, or a book of tickets (4 tickets per book) sells for $20. Students are encouraged to sell tickets however they can – to family, friends, and neighbors, at your church, etc. – and the school provides opportunities for the students to sell tickets by volunteering for phone-a-thons to call alumni or by providing contact lists for alumni that live in your zip code.
Q: How can I help make the Round Up a Success?
A: What remains is the same this year for Round Up is that we need YOUR help. Everyone has a role to play in making Round Up a success. There are all kinds of ways to help; little, big, you choose! Learn all about the ways you can help at the first Round Up meeting –
Round Up Meetings
Meeting #1: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:00pm – Cemo Auditorium
Meeting #2: Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6:00pm – Cemo Auditorium *MANDATORY*
Round Up: Sunday, March 2, Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Q: Who should I contact to get involved and where can I get more information about Round Up?
A: Any of the Round Up Chairs would be happy to answer any questions or suggest ways to get involved!
For Round Up 2025 Please contact:
- Tiffany Davila – Food Court –
- Irma Rodriguez – Food Court –
- Cristina Negron – Carnival –
- Maria Guzman – Carnival –
- Holly Veech – Big Red Market –
- General Contact –
Stay tuned for more information to come! Click here for Round Up Home page.
Style Show 101
St. Thomas Style Show & Luncheon
When: April 25, 2025
Where: River Oaks Country Club
Who is invited? All parents and friends of St. Thomas. This includes all grades!
Who participates in Style Show & Rose Ceremony: Senior boys and their moms.
What will volunteers do? Decorations, reservations, check-in, Silent Auction & Mystery Bag Solicitations, assist mom and son models, and much more!
What is the Style Show?
The Style Show luncheon has been a STH tradition for 50+ years. The senior boys will showcase their various interests such as leadership, sports, theatre, band, hobbies, etc. The senior moms model the new Spring fashion styles from Dillard’s. The senior Men of St. Thomas biographies will be read as they strut down the runway stage. Senior boys write endearing letters to their moms. Each senior reads his letter to his mother and then presents her with a red rose. The event wraps up with the boys singing their alma mater and then taking one last walk together around the runway while grinning ear to ear & wearing a baseball cap from the university they plan to attend!
General Questions:
Questions & additional info: Gretchen Penny | 713.341.5556 or
4500 Memorial Drive Houston, Texas 77007
The name of this organization shall be the Mothers’ Club of St. Thomas High School.
The purpose of the Mothers’ Club is to provide a vehicle through which mothers or
guardians of the students may be able to assist the Basilian Fathers, faculty, and staff in
furthering the students’ spiritual, academic, cultural and athletic development. All activities
of the Club must meet with the approval of the Club Moderator who shall be appointed by
the President of the school.
The membership of the Club shall consist of mothers or guardians of students who are
registered for that school year in St. Thomas High School.
The Board shall consist of the Executive Board, the Immediate Past President, Chairpersons
of Round-Up, Style Show and Auction, Staff Liaison, and the Club Moderator.
The Executive Board shall consist of five officers: President, Vice President,
Communications Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
Only the Executive Board has voting rights; three members of the Executive Board present
and voting constitutes a quorum.
In the event one of the five officers is unable to complete her term as an officer, the Club
Moderator shall call a special meeting. The Club Moderator, the Staff Liaison, and the
Executive Board will appoint a person to fill the vacancy. This appointee will be announced
at the next Mothers’ Club General Meeting or via electronic communications as needed.
Section 1. Executive Board: The duty of the Executive Board members is to develop the
Mothers’ Club Annual Budget, approve all expenditures, and establish and oversee
committees to conduct the work of the Mothers’ Club.
Section 2. President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all the meetings and
perform all other duties pertaining to the office, including but not limited to the following:
● The President shall serve as the official representative of the Mothers’ Club.
● The President shall serve on the Selection Committee.
● The President shall appoint a Zoom Liaison from the current Executive Board. Both
the President and the Zoom Liaison will have access to the credentials.
● The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons, with the assistance of the
Vice President and the Executive Board.
● The chairpersons of Auction, Style Show and Round Up, (Current Big 3 chairs), shall
be appointed by the current school President in collaboration with the Mothers’ Club
President, Staff Liaison, the Club Moderator, the Immediate Past President, and the
current Big 3 chairs. This process will be conducted at a time that would allow for
the committees to begin their work in a timely fashion related to their event. The
newly appointed chairpersons shall be responsible for appointing the chairpersons
of their respective sub-committees.
● The President may also appoint chairpersons from time to time to coordinate
unscheduled events and/or newly established programs or functions.
● The President shall communicate with the Principal and Club Moderator on a regular
or as needed basis regarding issues that impact or directly relate to the Mothers’
● The President, in conjunction with the Recording Secretary, shall schedule a meeting
space with the school for all General Meetings and events of the Mothers’ Club.
● The President shall facilitate the Christmas Gift Fund in coordination with the Club
● The President shall serve on the Board of the Mothers’ Club as the Immediate Past
President in the school year following her term as President.
Section 3. Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside in the
absence of the President. The Vice President will assist the President in the performance of
the President’s duties. The Vice President shall assist the President regarding committee
chair appointments. The Vice President is responsible for updating, distributing and
collecting the various event/committee binders and for maintaining a Master Binder (hard
copy, and/or digital) containing pertinent information regarding every event chaired by the
Mothers’ Club. The Master Binder will reside with the Vice President or in the office of the
Staff Liaison. The Vice President shall coordinate Christmas decorating, removal, and
storage around the school in conjunction with the Principal, the Maintenance staff, and
volunteers. The Vice President is responsible for organizing a Maintenance Staff
Appreciation Luncheon in the early spring. The Vice President shall review and maintain the
Bylaws and shall confirm all special guest speakers for General Meetings.
Section 4. Communications Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Communications Secretary
to conduct all general correspondence as directed by the President and Club Moderator,
including coordinating email blasts by the grade level parents and social media outlets. The
Communications Secretary shall also be responsible for collecting, organizing and reporting
news from the Mothers’ Club to the Director of Communication in the Office for
Advancement. This is done on an as needed basis throughout the school’s calendar,
generally weekly. The Communications Secretary is responsible for writing all Thank You
notes for special events and standing committee chairs, guest speakers and others on an
as needed basis. The Communications Secretary shall create an electronic volunteer sign
up for all Mothers’ Club volunteer opportunities.
Section 5. Recording Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep true
and accurate minutes of all monthly General Meetings, Board Meetings and Executive Board
Meetings. The Recording Secretary shall also be responsible for posting and updating
Mothers’ Club documents to the Mothers’ Club website as approved by the President. The
Recording Secretary will work with Campus Ministry to arrange the Welcome Tea Mass and
schedule volunteers to serve as Liturgical assistants. The Recording Secretary shall be
responsible for creating and modifying the agenda for all General Meetings and events with
the approval of the President. The Recording Secretary may assist the President in
scheduling meeting space with the school for all General Meetings of the Mothers’ Club.
Section 6. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall act as the liaison with the school’s Business Office
to assure proper stewardship of Mothers’ Club funds and approve all income and expenses
associated with all Mothers’ Club events. The Treasurer is responsible for working with the
President prior to the start of the school year to create a budget for all Mothers’ Club
activities. The Treasurer will relay that budget information to the Vice President and to all
Special Event Chairpersons. The Treasurer shall keep accurate copies of all receipts and
disbursements. The Treasurer, along with the Hospitality Committee, is responsible for
coordinating refreshments for all General Meetings, Board Meetings, and Executive Board
Meetings. A Treasurer’s Report shall be received from the Business Office once a month
and reported to the Executive Board at the monthly Executive Board Meeting.
Section 7. Past President: The Immediate Past President shall be a member of the Board
and the Facilitator of the Selection Committee. The Immediate Past President shall serve as
a general consultant and resource person to the Mothers’ Club. The Immediate Past
President shall act as the liaison with Tom’s Moms.
Section 8. Auction Chairs: The Auction/Gala Chairs shall coordinate the annual event,
usually held in November, with their duties including but not limited to the following:
a. Choose a theme for the Auction/Gala with proper approval by the school President
and Vice President for Advancement, which will be incorporated into all aspects of
the event, including printed, written, and electronic materials and publications, and
decorations. Auction/Gala Chairs are responsible for ordering and coordinating with
STH staff written information to promote all printed materials for this event and for
submitting all written information promoting the Auction/Gala in school publications.
b. Plan and host kick off for Auction/Gala in the spring to generate enthusiasm and
participation of the greater St. Thomas community.
c. Assemble a committee to help with the Auction/Gala and hold regular meetings
throughout the year.
d. Work hand in hand with the Advancement Office to inform not only current parents
but also alumni and previous donors of the Auction/Gala event and possible
underwriting opportunities.
e. Solicit items, along with Live, Big Board and Silent Auction Chairs, for auction and
raffle. These items may be solicited directly from donors or purchased using donated
funds, with the approval of the Staff Liaison. They may be raffled individually or
combined as part of a gift basket.
f. Plan, prepare, decorate, and host the Auction/Gala to benefit the overall St. Thomas
g. At least one representative shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General
Meetings, and events to promote the Auction/Gala and update the Mothers’ Club on the
status of the event.
Section 9. Round Up Chairs: The Round Up Chairs shall coordinate with the Vice President
for Advancement to plan and execute the annual school festival called Round Up. Round Up
is a time for the St. Thomas family to come together and celebrate the culmination of the
raffle ticket sales that raise funds for tuition assistance. Round Up is usually held on the
first Sunday in March. The Chairs’ duties include but are not limited to the following:
a. Recruit individual booth chairs and administrative chairs to plan, organize, and
execute Round Up.
b. Coordinate logistical needs with the Vice President for Advancement.
c. May coordinate with the Student Activities Director to choose a student designed
t-shirt for Round Up.
d. Provide good financial stewardship of Round Up. Provide expense reducing and
revenue increasing strategies while ensuring a fun, community building event.
Solicitation of donations for all aspects of Round Up is encouraged so as to increase
the funds raised for tuition assistance. This includes soliciting sponsorships and
donations for Round Up.
e. Work with the Vice President for Advancement to publicize Round Up to students,
parents, alumni, middle schools, parishes, other St. Thomas donors and media
f. Coordinate all Round Up volunteers by scheduling and executing at least 3 planning
meetings (with refreshments) and providing written or electronic materials needed to
organize Round Up. These materials include checklists, instructions, supply lists,
volunteer lists, and wrap up.
g. Provide leadership to plan, organize, and execute three main areas at Round Up:
Food and Beverage Booths, Eagle’s Court, Carnival Games/Kids’ Games, and Big Red
h. At least one representative shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and General
Meetings and events to promote Round Up and update the Mothers’ Club board
members and general members on the status of the event.
Section 10. Style Show Chairs: The Style Show Chairs shall coordinate the annual St.
Thomas Style Show event each spring with their duties including but not limited to the
a. Coordinate with the Vice President for Advancement and Staff Liaison, a fashion
show featuring the senior men and their moms and/or guardians. Chairs may choose
to work with consultants and/or local retail establishments and vendors to help
secure clothing, makeup, and hair styling for the fashion show. This may include
several meetings with the model moms to discuss expectations and choose
appropriate clothing for the show.
b. Choose a theme for the Style Show with proper approval by the school President and
Vice President for Advancement, which will be incorporated into all aspects of the
event, including printed, written, and electronic materials, publications and
decorations. Style Show chairs are responsible for ordering all printed materials for
this event and for submitting all written information promoting the Style Show in
school publications.
c. Plan and host kick off for Style Show to generate enthusiasm and participation of
senior students and families.
d. Secure a venue for this event with the approval of the Vice President for
Advancement which can accommodate a seated lunch, has an area for check-in, a
reception, silent auction, and has room for a runway, along with dressing areas for all
models. Work closely with the venue representative to select the food and drink
menu, and to plan seating layout and other details for the event.
e. Assemble a committee to help with the Style Show and hold regular meetings
throughout the year.
f. Solicit items, along with Silent Auction Chairmen, for silent auction and mystery bags.
These items may be solicited directly from donors or purchased using donated funds.
Chairs may also choose to sell mystery bags including smaller items, or any other
vehicle to raise money to benefit the overall St. Thomas community.
g. At least one representative shall attend all Mothers’ Club meetings and events to
promote the Style Show.
Section 1. The Selection Committee will be made up of five graduating senior mothers, with
preference given to the current Mothers’ Club officers, plus the current Mothers’ Club
President, the immediate Past President, the Club Moderator, the Staff Liaison, the school
Principal and school President, for a total of eleven voting members.
Section 2. The Immediate Past President, in cooperation with the current Executive Board,
shall appoint the Selection Committee. Members of the Selection Committee must maintain
strict confidentiality.
Section 3. Nomination candidates shall be entertained from the following individuals: any
St. Thomas Mothers’ Club member willing to self nominate. The Immediate Past President
shall announce self nominations and application deadline, no later than the February
General Meeting. Such candidate shall provide to the Selection Committee a completed
application form along with a full resume of accomplishments both in the school and in the
greater community. Applications will be considered in the following preferential order: 1)
Mothers’ Club Candidates of current juniors 2) Mothers’ Club Candidates of current
sophomores who have an older son who attended St. Thomas 3) All other St. Thomas
Mothers’ Club members’. The strong preference for Executive Board membership is the
selection of applicants from the first category with St. Thomas leadership experience,
committed to the mission of St. Thomas High School.
Section 4. The Selection Committee will slate one candidate for each of the five officer
positions of the Executive Board. Any discussions within the selection committee must be
kept confidential both during the selection timeframe and afterwards.
Section 5. The immediate Past President shall be the facilitator of the Selection Committee.
Section 6. All final selections must be by unanimous vote of the Selection Committee, and
kept confidential until ratification.
Section 7. A member may not serve consecutive terms as President, but may serve two
consecutive terms in other officer positions. Any member serving on the Executive Board
may not serve on the Selection Committee if the member nominates themself for
consideration on the Executive Board for the following year.
Section 8. Ratification of the Slate of Officers of the Incoming Executive Board will take
place within the Selection Committee and the announcement of the slate will take place at
the April General Meeting and installation of these officers shall take place at the May
Standing committees and positions are as follows and may be updated as needed by the
Executive Board. Descriptions are found on the Mothers’ Club website.
Admissions Liaison
Booster Club Liaison
Cookie Chair
Dad’s Club Liaison
Dance Chaperone Chair
Drama Guild Liaison
Eagles Angels Chair
Eagles Basket Chair
Eagles Treats Chair
Grade Chair-Senior
Grade Chair-Junior
Grade Chair-Sophomore
Grade Chair-Freshman
Hospitality Chair/Treasurer
Mentor Moms Chair
“Moms in Prayer” Chair
Music Guild Liaison
Social Events Chair
Social Media Chair-Senior
Social Media Chair-Junior
Social Media Chair-Sophomore
Social Media Chair-Freshman
Speech Guild Liaison
Tom’s Moms Liaison/Immediate Past President
Section 1. The Mothers’ Club Executive Board Meetings time and frequency shall be
determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Mothers’ Club general meetings shall occur nine times during the school
term on dates designated by the President in conjunction with the Executive Board and Club
Section 3. The President may call special meetings of the Board as needed. A special
meeting may also be called by the majority vote of board members present at any regular
Section 4. Twelve members, in person and/or virtually, in addition to a majority of the
Executive Board, shall constitute a quorum for any General Meeting of the Club.
The St. Thomas Business Office will allocate a budget based on student population,
however, the Mothers’ Club will be run as an expense of the school, not as its own separate
entity. The Mothers’ Club Treasurer will submit ALL recommendations for deposit or
disbursement to the school’s Business Office and the Club Moderator. The Mothers’ Club
budget shall be managed to ensure a break-even profit and loss statement at each school
year’s end.
These Bylaws shall be reviewed every January and may be altered, amended, or replaced by
a majority vote at any Board meeting of the Mothers’ Club, then presented and approved at
the next general membership meeting by a majority vote, provided that such changes were
proposed at the previous meeting of the Club.
Revision 03/19/2024
Click the links below to access the downloadable forms:
Tom’s Moms
Welcome to Tom’s Moms! As parents of St. Thomas students, each of us appreciated the camaraderie and support of other mothers as we prayed, worked and socialized together on events in support of St. Thomas High School and our sons. This organization offers an opportunity for mothers of alumni to stay in touch with the activities, spirit and development of the school.
The Tom’s Moms come together four times a year to enjoy social activities. Tom’s Moms will also support the school by volunteering at events such as Back to School Night, Mother Son Mass, Christmas Decorating and Round Up.
STH Campus Christmas Decorating
Deck the halls at STH – If you know how to put ornaments on a tree you can help. Paige Dominey is the Tom’s Moms Lead. For questions, please email
Friday, November 21, 2024 from 8:30 am – 3 pm – Register so the chairs can reach out to you with details and include you in the headcount for lunch.
Register: Christmas Decorating
Mother Son Mass at STH
Remember all the little elves doing all the work while you enjoyed your morning with your son?
Thursday, December 12th, 2024 7 am – 10:15 am… pick up donuts or just man the table so that all of the donuts don’t walk away at once.
Register: Mother Son Mass
Fall Social – BINGO
More info to come.
Spring 2025 Social – TBA
Bake goodies or man the Tom’s Moms booth at Round Up. Register below and Tom’s Moms will let you know the details. Sunday, March 2nd , 2025 12 noon – 6 PM.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Tom’s Moms Reps
Amber Caver, Meryl Gregory, Shawn Savarino, Emily Guyre, Paige Dominey, and Mary Yokubaitis
For more information contact Paige Dominey,
Find us on Facebook @ St. Thomas High School – Tom’s Moms