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Best In Class || Annual Academic Awards Assembly Celebrates Superior Scholarship

By |2021-04-27T11:21:20-05:00April 15th, 2021|Alumni, Academics, Campus News|

The St. Thomas Catholic Basilian intellectual tradition is the cornerstone of an academic community that develops critical thinkers, strong communicators, and ethical leaders. Students discover passion, path, and purpose supported by renowned faculty in a personalized learning environment. The Academic Awards Assembly is an annual celebration of not only emphatic scholastic performance and fervent mentorship [...]


By |2024-06-18T17:02:18-05:00May 15th, 2024|

Faith Goodness, Discipline, & Knowledge The Basilian virtues of goodness, discipline, and knowledge permeate every aspect of student lifeβ€”academics, athletics, and social life. It is our mission to keep the hearts of our students, faculty and staff focused on the pursuit of heavenly things. By embodying the [...]

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Eagle Excellence In Action || Diego Sanchez ’23 Latest Scholar to Earn Prestigious Eagle Scout Distinction

By |2023-08-24T10:05:41-05:00May 23rd, 2023|Alumni, Student Life, Campus News|

St. Thomas is proud to salute Diego Sanchez β€˜23 for earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Sanchez continues the thriving legacy of Eagle scholars who have reached this milestone accomplishment that remains richly recognized throughout the United States. Sanchez gained distinction through Troop 540 [...]

Theology Department

By |2024-09-09T15:40:37-05:00August 29th, 2016|

TheologyΒ Department The Theology Department at St. Thomas offers a four-year program designed to give every student a firm foundation in faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The classes are rich in the study of Scripture, doctrine and the Catholic Church’s teachings. The pedagogy of the Theology Department provides a strong foundation [...]

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Polished Diamond || 2021 Salutatorian Sets Sterling Standard for Success

By |2021-06-07T15:47:43-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Alumni, Campus News, Academics|

The St. Thomas Class of 2021 proved to be a pipeline pumping streams of superlative high-octane performance as if West Texas Intermediate was bursting at $70 per barrel and the eyes of the energy sector were in perpetual spin cycle. The salutatorian, officially second to but one, not only met but exceeded his own outsized [...]

Eagle Excellence in Action || Allen Davis ’22 Earns Prestigious Eagle Scout Rank

By |2022-02-28T12:19:49-06:00February 28th, 2022|Student Life, Campus News, Academics|

Allen Davis β€˜22 has earned the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, the highest reward in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), a milestone accomplishment that is richly recognized throughout the United States. He secured his honor through Troop 573 in Cypress, chartered by Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church after originally serving Troop 471, chartered by [...]

16th St. Thomas Hall of Honor Induction || Colonel Timothy Gatlin β€˜95 Among Five Luminaries Embracing Best of Basilian Spirit

By |2021-01-25T12:18:59-06:00January 13th, 2021|Alumni, Campus News|

For 121 years, notable St. Thomas graduates have personified the Basilian credo Teach Me Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge. The most acclaimed former scholars with exceptional contributions to their professions and communities are saluted with the school’s highest alumni distinction. On January 23, the Eagle Family elevated five transformative leaders who have embraced the St. Thomas [...]

Alumni Association

By |2023-08-09T12:01:21-05:00August 30th, 2016|

Lifetime Membership, $400 Annual Membership, $50 Click here to register online. If you would like to make a donation, please specify your amount in the box marked "Other" under "Gift Amount". If you do not wish to register online, aΒ membership form can be printed and mailed to: Advancement Office, St. Thomas High [...]

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Theology Faculty Member Danny Hernandez ’08 Leads Social Justice Action and Advocacy

By |2020-10-09T14:23:24-05:00October 9th, 2020|Academics, Student Life, Campus News|

Rooted at the core of the St. Thomas Basilian educational model is the commitment to transforming the minds and hearts of the Eagle campus community through advocacy and social justice education. Theology faculty member Danny Hernandez β€˜08 is continuing that legacy of service, engaging his senior scholars through activism, volunteerism, and community-based learning, even in [...]

Driven By Dreams || 17th Annual Scholarship Breakfast Salutes Stakeholders and Scholars in Basilian Experience

By |2024-03-21T15:42:17-05:00March 19th, 2024|Alumni, Campus News, Academics|

Answering the call. Access and excellence. Learning and discovery. Creative problem-solving and ethical public service. With St. Thomas’s deep expertise, and grounding in Catholic and Basilian values, the Eagle community is capable of extraordinary impact. Gifts in support of institutional-wide ambitions unlock this potential and advance the school’s sacred mission - Teach Me Goodness, Discipline, [...]

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